Support certified climate projects
We're on a mission to make our coach fleet zero emission by 2035.
is a mechanism that advances climate action by supporting certified third-party projects that contribute to the reduction or removal of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Below you will find more information about the projects you can support trough our carbon offsetting program.
Why are greenhouse gas emissions important?
The science is clear: avoiding the worst-case scenarios of climate change requires us to decrease global greenhouse gas emissions drastically and immediately. According to the latest science, limiting warming to approximately 1.5°C requires global emissions to peak before 2025 at the latest and to be reduced by 43% by 2030 .
The decisions we make today matter. Understanding and measuring emissions making climate-informed decisions, and supporting solutions to reduce or avoid emissions has never been more meaningful.
What are carbon offsets and carbon credits?
is a mechanism that advances climate action by supporting certified third-party projects that contribute to the reduction or removal of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Certified projects issue carbon credits, also referred to as offset credits or offsets, which act as an instrument for selling or trading the project’s associated removal or reduction impact. Each carbon credit represents a single unit of GHG emissions–one credit equates to one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) that is reduced or removed from the atmosphere or the emissions life cycle. A key defining factor is that the emissions reduced or removed by a carbon credit would not have taken place without the prospect of selling such a credit. A unit of GHG emissions can be reduced or removed through various methods or project types.
A project's ability to issue carbon/offset credits depends on a set of rigorous conditions – in order for a project to issue credits, the emission reductions or removals must be validated as additional, measurable, auditable, permanent, and unique.
How do I know that the impact would not have occurred without my support?
In order for a climate project to receive certification from a certification body, it must demonstrate "additionality." Additionality means that the GHG emission reductions or removals associated with particular project would not have taken place in the absence of the project’s existence. It also means that the project would not have been financially feasible without the generation and sale of carbon offsets/ credits.
All carbon offsets available on this platform are from certified projects. They have had the additionality criteria case checked by both an independent third-party verifier and the respective carbon certification body at project inception.
Where does my contribution go?
The funds paid support climate solutions verified offsets that reduce or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The price you pay is the total cost to deliver the carbon offset.